ECOC 2023 industry reflections - Part 2

Gazettabyte is asking industry figures for their thoughts after attending the recent ECOC show in Glasgow. In particular, what developments and trends they noted, what they learned and what, if anything, surprised them. Here are more responses from LightCounting, Hyper Photonix, NewPhotonics, and Broadcom.
Vladimir Kozlov, CEO of LightCounting, a market research company
Demand for optical connectivity in data centres has accelerated innovation in the industry. ECOC 2023 offered numerous start-ups and established vendors another opportunity to disclose their latest achievements.
The improved reliability of quantum dot lasers was a pleasant surprise. Alfalume presented the latest quantum dot comb laser developments, including continuous power up to 250 mW with a power conversion efficiency of a quarter (25%) and efficient operation of up to 100oC. Preliminary test data suggests that quantum dot lasers offer superior reliability compared to their quantum well counterparts. It would be great to have a reliable laser source, finally.