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Entries in Flavio Benetti (2)


ST makes its first PSM4 optical engine deliveries  

Flavio Benetti is upbeat about the prospects of silicon photonics. “Silicon photonics as a market is at a turning point this year,” he says.

What gives Benetti confidence is the demand he is seeing for 100-gigabit transceivers in the data centre. “From my visibility today, the tipping point is 2016,” says Benetti, group vice president and general manager, digital and mixed processes ASIC division at STMicroelectronics.


Flavio Benetti

Benetti and colleagues at ST have spent the last four years working to bring to market the silicon photonics technology that the chip company licensed from Luxtera.

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STMicro chooses PSM4 for first silicon photonics product 

STMicroelectronics has revealed that its first silicon photonics product will be the 100 Gigabit PSM4. The 500m-reach PSM4 multi-source agreement (MSA) is a single-mode design that uses four parallel fibres in each direction. The chip company expects the PSM4 optical engine to be in production during 2015. 

"We have prototypes and can show them running very well at 40 Gig [4x10 Gig]," says Flavio Benetti, group vice president, digital product group and general manager, networking products division at STMicroelectronics. "But it is expected to be proven at 4x25 Gig in the next few months." STMicroelectronics has just received its latest prototype chip that is now working at 4x25 Gig. 

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