P-OTS 2.0: 60s interview with Heavy Reading's Sterling Perrin

Heavy Reading has surveyed over 100 operators worldwide about their packet optical transport plans. Sterling Perrin, senior analyst at Heavy Reading, talks about the findings.
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Heavy Reading has surveyed over 100 operators worldwide about their packet optical transport plans. Sterling Perrin, senior analyst at Heavy Reading, talks about the findings.
"I won't be surprised if it [100 Gig] grows even faster"
Jimmy Yu, Dell'Oro Group
Market research firm Dell'Oro Group has reported that the global optical transport equipment market in the first half of 2012 shrank 5 percent, to US $6.1 billion. In the latest 60-second interview, Gazettabyte spoke with Jimmy Yu, vice president of optical transport research at Dell’Oro Group.
"For the year, it is going to be a fivefold growth rate [for 100 Gig transport]."
Jimmy Yu, Dell'Oro
Source: Infonetics Research
The OTN transport and switching market is forecast to grow at a 17% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2011 to 2016, outpacing the 5.5% CAGR of the optical equipment market (WDM, SONET/SDH). So claims a recent study on the OTN equipment marketplace by Infonetics Research.
A Q&A with report author, Andrew Schmitt, principal analyst for optical at Infonetics.
The latest silicon design announcements from PMC and AppliedMicro reflect the ongoing network evolution of the Optical Transport Network (OTN) protocol.
"There is a clear march from carriers, led in particular by China, to adopt OTN in the metro"
Scott Wakelin, PMC