Nokia targets 400G era with PSE-V coherent DSP launch

Nokia has unveiled its latest coherent digital signal processor (DSP) family, its fifth-generation Photonic Service Engine dubbed the PSE-V.
Kyle HollaschTwo devices make up the family: the high-end super coherent PSE-Vs and the compact PSE-Vc for use in pluggable modules.
The PSE-Vc chip is already sampling, the PSE-Vs will sample later this year.
The PSE-Vs, operating at a 90 gigabaud (GBd) symbol rate, supports transmission distances from local data centres to ultra-long-haul and sub-sea networks while the 64GBd PSE-Vc implements the OIF’s 400ZR standard, ZR+ and beyond.
Nokia has also expanded its coherent optics strategy having completed the acquisition of Elenion Technologies. It is now vertically integrated and is offering coherent optics and its DSPs to partners that include module makers and contract manufacturers.