Has the era of co-packaged optics finally arrived?

Part 3: Co-packaged optics: Ayar Labs CEO interview
Mark Wade, newly appointed CEO of Ayar Labs, shares what his new role entails and why, after a decade-long journey, co-packaged optics' time has come.
Ayar Labs' CEO, Mark Wade
Mark Wade, the recently appointed CEO of Ayar Labs, says his new role feels strangely familiar. Wade finds himself revisiting tasks he performed in the early days of the start-up that he helped co-found.
“In the first two years, I would do external-facing stuff during the day and then start working on our chips from 5 PM to midnight,” says Wade, who until last year was the company’s chief technology officer (CTO).
More practically, says Wade, he has spent much of the first months since becoming CEO living out of a suitcase and meeting with customers, investors, and shareholders.
Ayar Labs is bringing its technology to market to add high-bandwidth optical input-output (I/O) to large ASICs.
The technology was first revealed in a 2015 paper published in the science journal, Nature. In it, the optical circuitry needed for the interfaces was implemented using a standard CMOS process.
Vladimir Stojanovic, then an associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, described how, for the first time, a microprocessor could communicate with the external world using something other than electronics.
Stojanovic has left his role as a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, to become Ayar Labs’ CTO, following Wade’s appointment as CEO.
“A few years ago, we made this pitch that machine-learning clusters would be the biggest opportunity in the data centre,” says Wade. “And for efficient clusters, you need optical I/O.” Now, connectivity in artificial intelligence (AI) systems is a vast and growing problem. “The need is there, and our product is timed well,” says Wade.
Ayar Labs has spent the last year focusing on manufacturing and established low-volume production lines. The company manufactured approximately 10,000 optical chiplets in 2023 and expects similar volumes this year. The company also offers an external laser source SuperNova product that provides the light source needed for its optical chiplet.
Ayar Labs' optical input-output (I/O) roadmap showing the change in electrical I/O interface evolving from Intel's AIB to the UCIe standard, the move to faster data rates and, on the optical side, more wavelengths and the growing total I/O, per chiplet and packaged system. Source: Ayar Labs.
The products are being delivered to early adopter customers while Ayar Labs establishes the supply chain, product qualification, and packaging needed for volume manufacturing.
Wade says that some of its optical chiplets are being used for other non-AI segments. Ayar Labs has demonstrated its optical I/O being used with FPGAs for electronics systems for military applications. But the primary demand is for AI systems connectivity, whether compute to compute, compute to memory, compute to storage, and compute to a memory-semantic switch.
“A memory-semantic switch allows the scaling of a compute fabric whereby a bunch of devices need to talk to each other’s memory,” says Wade.
Wade cites Nvidia’s NVSwitch as one example: the first layer switch chip at the rack level that supports many GPUs in a non-blocking compute fabric. Another example of a memory-semantic switch is the open standard Compute Express Link (CXL).
The need for co-packaged optics
At the Optica Executive Forum event held alongside the recent OFC show, several speakers questioned the need for I/O based on optical chiplets, also called co-packaged optics.
Google’s Hong Liu, a Distinguished Engineer at Google Technical Infrastructure, described co-packaged optics as an ’N+2 years’ technology, perpetually coming in two years' time, (N being the current year).
Ashkan Seyedi of Nvidia stressed that copper continues to be the dominant interconnect for AI because it beats optics in such metrics as bandwidth density, power, and cost. Existing data centre optical networking technology cannot simply be repackaged as optical compute I/O, as it does not beat copper. Seyedi also shared a table that showed how much more expensive optical was in terms of dollar per gigabit/second ($/ Gbps).
Wade starts to address these points by pointing out that nobody is making money at the application layer of AI. Partly, this is because the underlying hardware infrastructure for AI is so costly.
“It [the infrastructure] doesn’t have the [networking] throughput or power efficiency to create the headroom for an application to be profitable,” says Wade.
The accelerator chips from the likes of Nvidia and Google are highly efficient in executing the mathematics needed for AI. But it is still early days when it comes to the architectures of AI systems, and more efficient hardware architectures will inevitably follow.
AI workloads also continue to grow at a remarkable rate. They are already so large that they must be spread across systems using ever more accelerator chips. With the parallel processing used to execute the workloads, data has to be shared periodically between all the accelerators using an ’all-to-all’ command.
“With large models, machines are 50 per cent efficient, and they can get down to 30 per cent or even 20 per cent,” says Wade. This means expensive hardware is idle for more than half the time. And the issue will only worsen with growing model size. According to Wade, using optical I/O promises the proper bandwidth density - more terabits-per-second per mm, power efficiency, and latency.
“These products need to get proven and qualified for volume productions,” he adds. “They are not going to get into massive scale systems until they are qualified for huge scale production.”
Wade describes what is happening now as a land grab. Demand for AI accelerators is stripping supply, and the question is still being figured out as to how the economics of the systems can be improved.
“It is not about making the hardware cheaper, just how to ensure the system is more efficiently utilised,” says Wade. “This is a big capital asset; the aim is to have enough AI workload throughput so end-applications have a viable cost.”
This will be the focus as the market hits its stride in the coming two to three years. “It is unacceptable that a $100 million system is spending up to 80 per cent of its time doing nothing,” says Wade.
Wade also addresses the comments made the day at the Optica Executive Forum. “The place where [architectural] decisions are getting discussed and made are with the system-on-chip architects,” he says. “It’s they that decide, not [those at] a fibre-optics conference.”
He also questions the assumption that Google and Nvidia will shun using co-packaged optics.
Market opportunity
Wade does a simple back-of-an-envelope calculation to size the likely overall market opportunity by the early 2030s for co-packaged optics.
In the coming years, there will be 1,000 optical chiplets per server, 1,000 servers per data centre, while 1,000 new data centres using AI clusters will be built. That’s a billion devices in total. Even if the total addressable opportunity is several hundred million optical chiplets, that is still a massive opportunity by 2032, he says.
Wade expects Ayar Labs to ship 100,000 plus chiplets in the 2025-26 timeframe, with volumes ramping to the millions in the two years after that.
“That is the ramp we are aiming for,” he says. “Using optical I/O to build a balanced composable system architecture.” If co-packaged optics does emerge in such volumes, it will disrupt the optical component business and the mainstream technologies used today.
“Let me finish with this,” says Wade. “If we are still having this conversation in two years’ time, then we have failed.”
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