ONF’s operators seize control of their networking needs

- The eight ONF service providers will develop reference designs addressing the network edge.
- The service providers want to spur the deployment of open-source designs after becoming frustrated with the systems vendors failing to deliver what they need.
- The reference designs will be up and running before year-end.
- New partners have committed to join since the consortium announced its strategic plan
The service providers leading the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) will publish open designs to address next-generation networking needs.
Timon SloaneThe ONF service providers - NTT Group, AT&T, Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, Comcast, China Unicom, Turk Telekom and Google - are taking a hands-on approach to the design of their networks after becoming frustrated with what they perceive as foot-dragging by the systems vendors.
“All eight [operators] have come together to say in unison that they are going to work inside the ONF to craft explicit plans - blueprints - for the industry for how to deploy open-source-based solutions,” says Timon Sloane, vice president of marketing and ecosystem at the ONF.