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Entries in note-taking (1)


How Oclaro's CTO keeps on top of the data deluge

Being creative, taking notes, learning and organising data are challenges that all company executives and engineers face. Andy Carter, CTO of Oclaro, is renown for his sketched diagrams and his ability to explain stuff. Gazettabyte asked him to share his experiences and thoughts on the matter.


Andy Carter, CTO

"To be honest, I am an absolutely terrible note-taker. I always have been. At university, I could either listen to a lecture and try and understand it or take notes. I couldn’t do both.

If I did manage to take some notes, I rarely looked at them afterwards or found them useful.

At conferences, in the days of printed outlines, I’d make a few comments in the margins or underline items, but rarely in a separate notebook. 

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