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Entries in ICE6 Turbo (1)


Infinera’s ICE6 crosses the 100-gigabaud threshold

Coherent discourse 3

  • The ICE6 Turbo can send two 800-gigabit wavelengths over network spans of 1,100-1,200km using a 100.4 gigabaud (GBd) symbol rate.
  • The enhanced reach can reduce the optical transport equipment needed in a network by 25 to 30 per cent.

Infinera has enhanced the optical performance of its ICE6 coherent engine, increasing by up to 30 per cent the reach of its highest-capacity wavelength transmissions.

Ron JohnsonThe ICE6 Turbo coherent optical engine can send 800-gigabit optical wavelengths over 1,100-1,200km compared to the ICE6’s reach of 700-800km.

ICE6 Turbo uses the same coherent digital signal processor (DSP) and optics as the ICE6 but operates at a higher symbol rate of 100.4GBd.

“This is the first time 800 gigabits can hit long-haul distances,” says Ron Johnson, general manager of Infinera’s optical systems & network solutions group.

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