Capella: Why the ROADM market is a good place to be
Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 5:56PM
Gazettabyte spoke with Larry Schwerin, CEO of Capella Intelligent Subsystems, about the ROADM market, the company's plans following its latest funding round, and the idea of a WSS-on-a-chip.
The reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) market has been the best performing segment of the optical networking market over the last year. According to Infonetics Research, ROADM-based wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) equipment grew 20% from Q2, 2010 to Q1, 2011 whereas the overall optical networking market grew 7%.
“It’s the Moore’s Law: Every two years we are doubling the capacity in terms of channel count and port count”
Larry Schwerin, Capella
tagged 1x20 WSS, Capella, Gridless, Infonetics, ROADM, SingTel, Verizon, colourless, directionless in CEO Interview Print Article