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Entries in Book Creator (2)


Best blogs, books and apps of 2011?

Is there a telecom or datacom book that you have read in 2011 that you would recommend? The same goes for any business or technology book that you found useful.

Also is there a journal or blog site that you have started to read that you have come to value? Apps can also be included.

In the last year I have started to read Ericsson Business Review which I really like. It has impressive forward-looking articles and great infographics. I also like the Telecom Ramblings blog, a valuable resource.

Click to read more ...


The CTO Interviews

Gazettabyte has produced an ebook that includes the recent CTO interviews with Ciena, JDS Uniphase and Alcatel-Lucent.


To download the ebook, click here.

The book can be read using any ebook reader (the file has an .epub extention) but for best results please use the iBooks app on the iPhone or iPad.

The download file is large: 19M.  


The ebook was created using the Book Creator app.