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Entries in Asaf Somekh (2)


Compass-EOS raises $42M 

Compass-EOS has raised $42 million in investment. The Israeli start-up launched its r10004 IP core router in March and has so far announced two customers: NTT Communications and the China Education and Research Network, CERNET. The company says it has a second tier-one operator yet to be announced.

Asaf Somekh with the icPhotonics chip

"Both global operators have purchased routers on several occasions for several types of deployments," says Asaf Somekh, vice president of marketing at Compass-EOS. “There are also a couple more smaller operators that we cannot disclose at this stage." The company is  involved in several trials in the US, Japan and EMEA.

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Fibre-to-the-NPU: optics reshapes the IP core router

Start-up Compass Electro-Optical Systems has announced an IP core router based on a chip with a Terabit-plus optical interface.


Asaf Somekh, vice president of marketing, showing Gazettabyte Compass-EOS's novel icPhotonics chip

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