The great data rate-reach-capacity tradeoff

Source: Gazettabyte
Optical transmission technology is starting to bump into fundamental limits, resulting in a three-way tradeoff between data rate, reach and channel bandwidth.
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Source: Gazettabyte
Optical transmission technology is starting to bump into fundamental limits, resulting in a three-way tradeoff between data rate, reach and channel bandwidth.
Fujitsu Labs has developed a compensation technique that tackles non-linear effects in a coherent receiver-based optical transmission system. The technique promises to boost the reach of 100 Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) and future higher speed systems.
“That is one of the virtues of the technology; it is not dependent on the modulation format or the bit rate”
Takeshi Hoshida, Fujitsu Labs
Briefing: High-speed optical transmission.
Part 3: What's next?
Given the 100 Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) optical transmission market is only expected to take off from 2013, addressing what comes next seems premature. Yet operators and system vendors have been discussing just this issue for at least six months.
And while it is far too early to talk of industry consensus, all agree that optical transmission is becoming increasingly complex. As Karen Liu, vice president, components and video technologies at market research firm Ovum, observed at OFC 2010, bandwidth on the fibre is no longer plentiful.
“We need to keep a very close eye that we are not creating more problems than we are solving.”
Brandon Collings, JDS Uniphase.