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Webinar: MultiPhy on the 100G Direct Detect market

Gazettabyte has hosted a webinar with Israeli semiconductor firm MultiPhy. Entitled The Emerging 100 Gigabit Metro & Datacenter Connectivity Opportunity, the webinar includes:

  • An Ovum market forecast for 100 Gigabit Direct Detect to 2015
  • The changes in the network creating demand for 100 Gigabit Direct Detect optical transport
  • Emerging operator and vendor backing for the technology
  • MultiPhy’s IC technology and its 100 Gigabit Direct Detect solution
  • The performance metrics of 100 Gigabit Direct Detect


"An internet giant is now firmly committed to an 80km pluggable solution. And if it is 80km and pluggable we know it is not coherent"

Neal Neslusan, MultiPhy


Presenting the webinar for MultiPhy is Neal Neslusan, vice president of sales and marketing. 

To view, please register by clicking here. You will then receive an email with a link to the 100 Gigabit webinar.


Further reading: 

MultiPhy eyes 40 and 100 Gigabit direct detect and coherent


CyOptics gets $50m worth of new investors and funding 

Optical component firm CyOptics has received a US $50million investment. Gazettabyte discussed the company’s activities and plans with CEO, Ed Coringrato, and Stefan Rochus, the company’s vice president of marketing and business development. 

“Volume production scale is very important to having a successful business”

Ed Coringrato, CyOptics




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10 Gigabit GPON gets broadband access support  

Briefing: Next-Generation PON

Part 1: XG-PON1 goes commercial

Alcatel-Lucent is making available what it claims is the first broadband access platforms that support XG-PON1, the 10 Gigabit GPON standard.  The company has developed an XG-PON1 line card for use in its latest ISAM-FX as well as its existing ISAM-FD access platforms. The ISAM platforms support copper and fibre-based broadband access.


“First [XG-PON1] deployments will likely be in Asia Pacific but we are seeing strong interest from other regions"

Stefaan Vanhastel, Alcatel-Lucent


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Next-generation access will redefine the telcos 

Benoît  Felten has left Yankee Group to set up a market research and consultancy company addressing next-generation access.

Gazettabyte caught up with him to understand the goals of his new company, Diffraction Analysis, and why he believes next-generation access is critical for service providers.


"As soon as you, the operator, make that investment decision, it has fundamental implications as to who you are as a company"


Benoît Felten, CEO, Diffraction Analysis

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OTN hardware gets the 100 Gigabit treatment

AppliedMicro’s TPACK unit has unveiled the first of its 100 Gigabit Optical Transport Network (OTN) designs. Two devices were announced in November 2010 - the TPOT414 and TPOT424 - that perform 100 Gigabit mapping and framing functions, while in December a 100 Gigabit OTN muxponder (multiplexer-transponder) was announced that combines several of its designs.


 “The real market demand is for simple systems - the transponder and interfaces to the routers"

Lars Pedersen, AppliedMicro





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u2t Photonics: Adapting to a changing marketplace

Jens Fiedler, vice president sales and marketing (left), and CEO Andreas Umbach.

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Networking towards the cloud

For the latest blog written for Lightwave magazine, click here.