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Q&A with JDSU's CTO

In Part 1 of a Q&A with Gazettabyte, Brandon Collings, JDS Uniphase's CTO for communications and commercial optical products, reflects on the key optical networking developments of the coming decade, how the role of optical component vendors is changing and next-generation ROADMs. 

"For transmission components, photonic integration is the name of the game. If you are not doing it, you are not going to be a player"

Brandon Collings (left), JDSU

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Q&A: Ciena’s CTO on networking and technology

In Part 2 of the Q&A, Steve Alexander, CTO of Ciena, shares his thoughts about the network and technology trends.

Part 2: Networking and technology

"The network must be a lot more dynamic and responsive"

Steve Alexander, Ciena CTO


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How ClariPhy aims to win over the system vendors 

ClariPhy Communications will start volume production of its 40 Gig coherent IC in September and is working on a 28nm CMOS 100 Gig coherent ASIC. It also offers an ASIC design service, allowing customers to used their own IP as well as ClariPhy's silicon portfolio.

“We can build 200 million logic gate designs” 

Reza Norouzian, ClariPhy




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Q&A: Ciena’s CTO on R&D

Gazettabyte spoke with Steve Alexander, CTO of Ciena, about optical technology and R&D. In Part 1 of the Q&A, Alexander shares his thoughts about the practice and challenges of R&D.

 Part 1: R&D

"The R&D model has shifted a lot. Time has marched on and there are newer ways of doing things"

Steve Alexander, Ciena CTO 

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Plotting transceiver shipments versus traffic growth 

Chart Watch: LightCounting

Summing transceiver shipments in the core of the network and plotting the data against traffic growth provides useful insights into the state of the network.

"We use transceiver shipment data [from vendors] to calculate how fast the network is growing and compare it to the traffic growth," says Vladimir Kozlov, CEO of market research firm, LightCounting.

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100 Gig: Is market expectation in need of a reality check?

Recent market research suggests that the 100 Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) era is fast-approaching and that 100Gbps promises to leave the 40Gbps market opportunity in its wake.


“It could easily be ten to 15 years before we see 100Gbps in a big way on the public network side”


Mark Lutkowitz, Telecom Pragmatics




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Optical components: The six billion dollar industry

Chart Watch: Ovum Components

The service provider industry, including wireless and wireline players, is up 6% year-on-year (2Q10 to 1Q11) to reach US $1.82 trillion, according to Ovum. The equipment market, mainly telecom vendors but also the likes of Brocade, has also shown strong growth - up 15% - to reach revenues of over $41.4 billion. But the most striking growth has occurred in the optical components market, up 28%, to achieve revenues of over $6 billion, says the market research firm.


Source: Ovum


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