The OIF's coherent optics work gets a ZR+ rating

The OIF has started work on a 1600ZR+ standard to enable the sending of 1.6 terabits of data across hundreds of kilometres of optical fibre.
The initiative follows the OIF's announcement last September that it had kicked off 1600ZR. ZR refers to an extended reach standard, sending 1.6 terabits over an 80-120km point-to-point link.
1600ZR follows the OIF's previous work standardising the 400-gigabit 400ZR and the 800-gigabit 800ZR coherent pluggable optics.
The decision to address a 'ZR+' standard is a first for the OIF. Until now, only the OpenZR+ Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) and the OpenROADM MSA developed interoperable ZR+ optics.
The OIF's members' decision to back the 1600ZR+ coherent modem work was straightforward, says Karl Gass, optical vice chair of the OIF's physical link layer (PLL) working group. Several companies wanted it, and there was sufficient backing. "One hyperscaler in particular said: 'We really need that solution'," says Gass.
OIF, OpenZR+, and OpenROADM
Developing a 1600ZR+ standard will interest telecom operators who, like with 400ZR and the advent of 800ZR, can take advantage of large volumes of coherent pluggables driven by hyperscaler demand. However, Gass says no telecom operator is participating in the OIF 1600ZR+ work.
"It appears that they are happy with whatever the result [of the ZR+ work] will be," says Gass. Telecom operators are active in the OpenROADM MSA.
Now that the OIF has joined OpenZR+ and the OpenROADM MSA in developing ZR+ designs, opinions differ on whether the industry needs all three.
"There is significant overlap between the membership of the OpenZR+ MSA and the OIF, and the two groups have always maintained positive collaboration," says Tom Williams, director of technical marketing at Acacia, a leading member of the OpenZR+. "We view the adoption of 1600ZR+ in the OIF as a reinforcement of the value that the OpenZR+ has brought to the market."
Robert Maher, Infinera's CTO, believes the industry does not need three standards. However, having three organisations does provide different perspectives and considerations.
Meanwhile, Maxim Kuschnerov, director R&D at Huawei, says the OIF's decision to tackle ZR+ changes things."OpenZR+ kickstarted the additional use cases in the industry, and OpenROADM took it away but going forward, it doesn't seem that we need additional MSAs if the OIF is covering ZR+ for Ethernet clients in ROADM networks," says Kuschnerov. "Only the OTN [framing] modes need to be covered, and the ITU-T can do that."
Kuschnerov also would like more end-user involvement in the OIF group. "It would help shape the evolving use cases and not be guided by a single cloud operator," he says.
ZR history
The OIF is a 25-year-old industry organisation with over 150 members, including hyperscalers, telecom operators, systems and test equipment vendors, and component companies.
In October 2016, the OIF started the 400ZR project, the first pluggable 400-gigabit Ethernet coherent optics specification. The principal backers of the 400ZR work were Google and Microsoft. The standard was designed to link equipment in data centres up to 120km apart.
The OIF 400ZR specification also included an un-amplified version with a reach of several tens of kilometres. The first 400ZR specification document, which the OIF calls an Implementation Agreement, was completed in March 2020 (see chart above).
The OIF started the follow-up on the 800ZR specification in November 2020, a development promoted by Google. Gass says the OIF is nearing completion of the 800ZR Implementation Agreement document, expected in the second half of 2024.
If the 1600ZR and ZR+ coherent work projects take a similar duration, the first 1600ZR and 1600ZR+ products will appear in 2027.
Symbol rate and other challenges
Moving to a 1.6-terabit coherent pluggable module using the same modulation scheme - 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation or 16-QAM – used for 400ZR and 800ZR suggests a symbol rate of 240 gigabaud (GBd).
"That is the maths, but there might be concerns with technical feasibility," says Gass. "That's not to say it won't come together."
The highest symbol rate coherent modem to date is Ciena's WaveLogic 6e, which was announced a year ago. The design uses a 3nm CMOS coherent digital signal processor (DSP) and a 200GBd symbol rate. It is also an embedded coherent design, not one required to fit inside a pluggable optical module with a constrained power consumption.
Kuschnerov points out that the baud rates of ZR and ZR+ have differed. And this will likely continue. 800ZR, using Ethernet with no probabilistic constellation shaping, has a baud rate of 118.2GBd, while 800ZR+, which uses OTN and probabilistic constellation shaping, has a baud rate of up to 131.35GBd. Every symbol has a varying probability when probabilistic constellation shaping is used. "This decreases the information per symbol, and thus, the baud rate must be increased," says Kuschnerov.
Doubling up for 1600ZR/ ZR+, those numbers become around 236GBd and 262GBd, subject to future standardisation. "So, saying that 1600ZR is likely to be at 240GBd is correct, but one cannot state the same for a potential 1600ZR+," says Kuschnerov.
Nokia's view is that for 1600ZR, the industry will look at operating modes that include 16QAM at 240 GBd. Other explored options include 64-QAM with probabilistic constellation shaping at 200GBd and even dual optical carrier solutions with each carrier operating at approximately 130GBd. "However, this last option may be challenging from a power envelope perspective," says Szilárd Zsigmond, head of Nokia's optical subsystems group.
In turn, if 1600ZR+ reaches 1,000km distances, the emphasis will be on higher baud rate options than those used for 1600ZR. "This will be needed to enable longer reaches, which will also put pressure on managing power dissipation," says Zsigmond.
The coherent DSP must also have digital-to-analogue (DACs) and analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) to sample at least at 240 giga-samples per second. Indeed, the consensus among the players is that achieving the required electronics and optics will be challenging.
“All component bandwidths have to double and that is a significant challenge,” says Josef Berger, associate vice president, cloud optics marketing at Marvell.
The coherent optics – the modulators and receivers - must extend their analogue bandwidth of 120GHz. Infinera is one company that is confident this will be achieved. "Infinera, with our highly integrated Indium Phosphide-based photonic integrated circuits, will be producing a TROSA [transmitter-receiver optical sub-assembly] capable of supporting 1.6-terabit transmission that will fit in a pluggable form factor," says Maher.
The coherent DSP and optics operating must also meet the pluggable modules' power and heat limits. "That is an extra challenge here: the development needs to maintain focus on cost and power simultaneously to bring the value network operators need," says Williams. "Scaling baud rate by itself doesn't solve the challenge. We need to do this in a cost and power-efficient way."
Current 800ZR modules consume 30W or more, and since the aim of ZR modules is to be used within Ethernet switches and routers, this is challenging. In comparison, 400ZR modules now consume 20W or less.
"For 800ZR and 800ZR+, the target is to be within the 28W range, and this target is not changing for 1600ZR and 1600ZR+," says Zsigmond. Coherent design engineers are being asked to double the bit rate yet keep the power envelope constant.
Certain OIF members are also interested in backward compatibility with 800ZR or 400ZR. "That also might affect the design," says Gass.
Given the rising cost to tape out a coherent DSP using 3nm and even 2nm CMOS process nodes required to reduce power per bit, most companies designing ASICs will look to develop one design for the 1600ZR and ZR+ applications to maximise their return on investment, says Zsigmond, who notes that the risk was lower for the first generations of ZR and ZR+ applications. Most companies had already developed components for long-haul applications that could be optimised for ZR and ZR+ applications.
For 400ZR, which used a symbol rate of 60 GBd, 60-70 GBd optics already existed. For 800 gigabit transmissions, high-performance embedded coherent optics and pluggable, low-power ZR/ZR+ modules have been developed in parallel. "For 1600ZR/ZR+, it appears that the pluggable modules will be developed first," says Zsigmond. "There will be more technology challenges to address than previous ZR/ZR+ projects."
The pace of innovation is faster than traditional coherent transmission systems and will continue to reduce cost and power per bit, notes Marvell’s Berger: “This innovation creates technologies that will migrate into traditional coherent applications as well.”
Gass is optimistic despite the challenges ahead: "You've got smart people in the room, and they want this to happen."
OIF's OFC 2024 demo
The OIF has yet to finalise what it will show for the upcoming coherent pluggable module interoperable event at OFC to be held in San Diego in March. But there will likely be 400ZR and 800ZR demonstrations operating over 75km-plus spans and 400-gigabit OpenZR+ optics operating over greater distance spans.
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