Verizon readies its metro for next-generation P-OTS

Verizon is preparing its metro network to carry significant amounts of 100 Gigabit traffic and has detailed its next-generation packet-optical transport system (P-OTS) requirements. The operator says technological advances in 100 Gig transmission and new P-OTS platforms - some yet to be announced - will help bring large scale 100 Gig deployments in the metro in the next year or so.
Glenn Wellbrock
The operator says P-OTS will be used for its metro and regional networks for spans of 400-600km. "That is where we have very dense networks," says Glenn Wellbrock, director of optical transport network architecture and design at Verizon. "The amount of 100 Gig is going to be substantially higher than it was in long haul."
Verizon announced in April that it had selected Fujitsu and Coriant for a 100 Gig metro upgrade. The operator has already deployed Fujitsu's FlashWave 9500 and the Coriant 7100 (formerly Tellabs 7100) P-OTS platforms. "The announcement [in April] is to put 100 Gig channels in that embedded base," says Wellbrock.
The operator has 4,000 reconfigurable optical add/ drop multiplexers (ROADMs) across its metro networks worldwide and all support 100 Gig channels. But the networks are not tailored for high-speed transmission and hence the cost of 100 Gig remains high. For example, dispersion compensation fibre, and Erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (EDFA) rather than hybrid EDFA-Raman are used for the existing links. "It [the network] is not optimised for 100 Gig but will support it, and we are using [100 Gig] on an as-needed basis," says Wellbrock.
The metro platform will be similar to those used for Verizon's 100 Gig long-haul in that it will be coherent-based and use advanced, colourless, directionless, contentionless and flexible-grid ROADMs. "But all in a package that fits in the metro, with a much lower cost, better density and not such a long reach," says Wellbrock.
The amount of 100 Gig is going to be substantially higher than it was in long haul
One development that will reduce system cost is the advent of the CFP2-based line-side optical module; another is the emergence of third- or fourth-generation coherent DSP-ASICs. "We are getting to the point where we feel it is ready for the metro," says Wellbrock. "Can we get it to be cost-competitive? We feel that a lot of the platforms are coming along."
The latest P-OTS platforms feature enhanced packet capabilities, supporting carrier Ethernet, multi-protocol label switching - transport profile (MPLS-TP), and high-capacity packet and Optical Transport Network (OTN) switching. Recently announced P-OTS platforms suited to Verizon's metro request-for-proposal include Cisco Systems' Network Convergence System (NCS) 4000 and Coriant's mTera. Verizon says it expects other vendors to introduce platforms in the next year.
Verizon still has over 250,000 SONET elements in its network. Many are small and reside in the access network but SONET also exists in its metro and regional networks. The operator is keen to replace the legacy technology but with such a huge number of installed network elements, this will not happen overnight.
Verizon's strategy is to terminate the aggregated SONET traffic at its edge central offices so that it only has to deal with large Ethernet and OTN flows at the network node. "We plan to terminate the SONET, peel out the packets and send them in a packet-optimised fashion," says Wellbrock. In effect, SONET is to be stopped from an infrastructure point of view, he says, by converting the traffic for transport over OTN and Ethernet.
SDN and multi-layer optimisation
The P-OTS platform, with its integrated functionality spanning layer-0 to layer-2, will have a role in multi-layer optimisation. The goal of multi-layer optimisation is to transport services on the most suitable networking layer, typically the lowest, most economical layer possible. Software-defined networking (SDN) will be used to oversee such multi-layer optimisation.
However, P-OTS, unlike servers used in the data centre, are specialist rather than generic platforms. "Optical stuff is not generic hardware," says Wellbrock. Each P-OTS platform is vendor-proprietary. What can be done, he says, is to use 'domain controllers'. Each vendor's platform will have its own domain controller, above which will sit the SDN controller. Using this arrangement, the vendor's own portion of the network can be operated generically by an SDN controller, while benefitting from the particular attributes of each vendor's platform using the domain controller.
There is always frustration; we always want to move faster than things are coming about
Verizon's view is that there will be a hierarchy of domain and SDN controllers."We assume there are going to be multiple layers of abstraction for SDN," says Wellbrock. There will be no one, overriding controller with knowledge of all the networking layers: from layer-0 to layer-3. Even layer-0 - the optical layer - has become dynamic with the addition of colourless, directionless, contentionless and flexible-grid ROADM features, says Wellbrock.
Instead, as part of these abstraction layers, there will be one domain that will control all the transport, and another that is all-IP. Some software element above these controllers will then inform the optical and IP domains how best to implement service tasks such as interconnecting two data centres, for example. The transport controller will then inform each layer its particular task. "Now I want layer-0 to do that, and that is my Ciena box; I need layer-1 to do this and that happens to be a Cyan box; and we need MPLS transport to do this, and that could be Juniper," says Wellbrock, pointing out that in this example, three vendor-domains are involved, each with its own domain controller.
Is Verizon happy with the SDN progress being made by the P-OTS vendors?
"There is always frustration; we always want to move faster than things are coming about," says Wellbrock. "The issue, though, is that there is nothing I see that is a showstopper."
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