What role FPGA server co-processors for virtual routing?

Part 2: Accelerating virtual routing functions using FPGAs
IP routing specialists have announced first virtual edge router products that run on servers. These include Alcatel-Lucent with its Virtualized Service Router and Juniper with its vMX. Gazettabyte asked Alcatel-Lucent's Steve Vogelsang about the impact FPGA accelerator cards could have on IP routing.
Steve Vogelsang, IP routing and transport CTO, Alcatel-Lucent
The co-processor cards in servers could become interesting for software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualisation (NFV).
The main challenge is that we require that our virtualised network functions (vNFs) and SDN data plane can run on any cloud infrastructure; we can’t assume that any specific accelerator card is installed. That makes it a challenge.
I can imagine, over time, that DPDK, the set of libraries and drivers for packet processing, and other open source libraries will support co-processors, making it easier to exploit by an SDN data plane or vNF.
For now we’re not too worried about pushing the limits of performance because the advantage of NFV is the operational simplicity. However, when we have vNFs running at significant scale, we will likely evaluate co-processor options to improve performance. This is similar to what Microsoft and others are doing with search algorithms and other applications.
Note that there are alternative co-processors that are more focussed on networking acceleration. An example is Netronome which is a purpose-built network co-processor for the x86 architecture. Not sure how it compares to Xilinx for networking functionality, but it may outperform FPGAs and be a better option if networking is the focus.
Some servers are also built to enable workload-specific processing architectures. Some of these are specialised on a single processor architecture while others such as HP's Moonshot allow installation of various processors including FPGAs.
When we have vNFs running at significant scale, we will likely evaluate co-processor options to improve performance
I don’t expect FPGA accelerator cards will have much impact on network processors (NPUs). We or any other vendor could build an NPU using a Xilinx or another FPGA. But we get much more performance by building our own NPU because we control how we use the chip area.
When designing an FPGA, Xilinx and other FPGA vendors have to decide how to allocate chip space to I/O, processing cores, programmable logic, memory, and other functional blocks. The resulting structure can deliver excellent performance for a variety of applications, but we can still deliver considerably more performance by designing our own chips allocating the chip space needed to the required functions.
I have experience with my previous company which built multiple generations of NPUs using FPGAs, but they could not come close to the capabilities of our FP3 chipset.
For Part 1, click here
For Part 3, click here

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