Optical transmission's era of rapid capacity growth

Kim Roberts, senior director coherent systems at Ciena, moves from theory to practice with a discussion of practical optical transmission systems supporting 100Gbps, and in future, 400 Gigabit and 1 Terabit line rates. This discussion is based on a talk Roberts gave at the Layer123's Terabit Optical and Data Networking conference held in Cannes recently.
Part 2: Commercial systems
The industry is experiencing a period of rapid growth in optical transmission capacity. The years 1995 till 2006 were marked by a gradual increase in system capacity with the move to 10 Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) wavelengths. But the pace picked up with the advent of first 40Gbps direct detection and then coherent transmission, as shown by the red curve in the chart.
Source: Ciena
The chart's left y-axis shows bits-per-second-Hertz (bits/s/Hz). The y-axis on the right is an alternative representation of capacity expressed in Terabits in the C-band. "The C-band remains, on most types of fibre, the lowest cost and the most efficient," says Roberts.
The notable increase started with 40Gbps in a 50GHz ITU channel - 46Gbps to accommodate forward error correction (FEC) - and then, in 2009, 100Gbps (112Gbps) in the same width channel. In Ciena's (Nortel's) case, 100Gbps transmission was achieved using two carriers, each carrying 56Gbps, in one 50GHz channel.
"It is going to get hard to achieve spectral efficiencies much beyond 5bits/s/Hz. Getting hard means it is going to take the industry longer"
The chart's blue labels represent future optical transmission implementations. The 224Gbps in a 50GHz channel (200Gbps data) is achieve using more advanced modulation. Instead of dual polarisation, quadrature phase-shift keying (DP-QPSK) coherent transmission, DP-16-QAM will be used based on phase and amplitude modulation.
At 448Gbps, two carriers will be used, each carrying 224Gbps DP-16-QAM in a 50GHz band. "Two carriers, two polarisations on each, and 16-QAM on each," says Roberts.
As explained in Part 1, two carriers are needed because squeezing 400Gbps into the 50GHz channel will have unacceptable transmission performance. But instead of using two 50GHz channels - one for each carrier - 80GHz of spectrum will be needed overall. That is because the latest DSP-ASICs, in this case Ciena's WaveLogic 3 chipset, use waveform shaping, packing the carriers closer and making better use of the spectrum available. For the scheme to be practical, however, the optical network will also require flexible-spectrum ROADMs.
One Terabit transmission extends the concept by using five carriers, each carrying 200Gbps. This requires an overall spectrum of 160-170GHz. "The measurement in the lab that I have shown requires 200GHz using WaveLogic 3 technology," says Roberts, who stresses that these are labs measurements and not a product.
Slowing down
Roberts expects progress in line rate and overall transmission capacity to slow down once 400Gbps transmission is achieved, as indicated by the chart's curve's lesser gradient in future years.
"It is going to get hard to achieve spectral efficiencies much beyond 5bits/s/Hz" says Roberts. "Getting hard means it is going to take the industry longer." The curve is an indication of what is likely to happen, says Roberts: "We are reaching closer and closer to the Shannon bound, so it gets hard."
Roberts says that lab "hero" experiments can go far beyond 5 or 6 bits/s/Hz but that what the chart is showing are system product trends: "Commercial products that can handle commercial amounts of noise, commercial margins and FEC; all the things that make it a useful product."
What the chart does not show is how transmission reach changes with the modulation scheme used. To this aim, Roberts refers to the chart discussed in Part 1.
Source: Ciena
The 100Gbps blue dot is the WaveLogic 3 performance achieved with the same optical signal-to-noise ratio (ONSR) as used at 10Gbps.
"If you apply the same technology, the same FEC at 16-QAM at the same symbol rate, you get 200Gbps or twice the throughput," says Roberts. "But as you can see on the curve, you get a 4.6dB penalty [at 200Gbps] inherent in the modulation."
What this means is that the reach of an optical transport system is no longer 3,000km but rather 500-700km regional reaches, says Roberts.
Part 1: The capacity limits facing optical networking
Part 3: 2020 vision
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