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Entries in VCSELs (24)


OFC/NFOEC 2012: Some of the exhibition highlights

A round-up of some of the main announcements and demonstrations at the recent OFC/NFOEC 2012 exhibition and conference.

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Oclaro-Opnext merger will create second largest optical component company 

Oclaro has announced its plan to merge with Opnext. The deal, valued at US $177M, will result in Opnext's shareholders owning 42% of the combined company. The merger of the fifth and sixth largest optical component players will create a company with annual revenues of $800M, second only to Finisar. The deal is expected to be completed in the next 3-6 months.

Source: Gazettabyte

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Oclaro points its laser diodes at new markets

Yves LeMaitre has experienced much over the course of the last decade working in the optical components industry. He has been CEO of a start-up during the optical boom, lived through acquisitions, and has undertaken business development in telecom and non-telecom markets.


“To succeed in any market ... you need to be the best at something, to have that sustainable differentiator”

 Yves LeMaitre, Oclaro




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