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Entries in Dave Welch (12)


Books in 2017: Part 2

Gazettabyte has asked various industry executives to discuss the books they read in 2017. Here, Infinera's Dave Welch and Deutche Telekom's Yuriy Babenko provide their highlights.


Dave Welch, founder and chief strategy and technology officer at Infinera

One favourite book read this year was Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. Great history about the makings of the US government and financial systems as well as a great biography. Another is The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee, a wonderful discussion about the science and history of genetics.


Yuriy Babenko, senior expert NGN, Deutsche Telekom

As part of my reading in 2017 I selected two technical books, one general life/ philosophy title and one strategy book.

Today’s internet infrastructure design is hardly possible without what we refer to as the cloud. Cloud is a very general term but I really like the definition of NIST: Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

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Books in 2013 - Part 2

Alcatel-Lucent's President of Bell Labs and CTO, Marcus Weldon, on the history and future of Bell Labs, and titles for Christmas; Steve Alexander, CTO of Ciena, on underdogs, connectedness, and deep-sea diving; and Dave Welch, President of Infinera on how people think, and an extraordinary WWII tale: the second part of Books 2013.  


Steve Alexander, CTO of Ciena

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell

I’ve enjoyed some of Gladwell’s earlier works such as The Tipping Point and Outliers: The Story of Success. You often have to read his material with a bit of a skeptic's eye since he usually deals with people and events that are at least a standard deviation or two away from whatever is usually termed “normal.”

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OFC/NFOEC 2012 industry reflections - Part 1

The recent OFC/NFOEC show, held in Los Angeles, had a strong vendor presence. Gazettabyte spoke with Infinera's Dave Welch, chief strategy officer and executive vice president, about his impressions of the show, capacity challenges facing the industry, and the importance of the company's photonic integrated circuit technology in light of recent competitor announcements.

OFC/NFOEC reflections: Part 1 


"I need as much fibre capacity as I can get, but I also need reach" 

Dave Welch, Infinera

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Infinera details Terabit PICs, 5x100G devices set for 2012  

What has been announced?

Infinera has detailed Terabit coherent detection photonic integrated circuits (PICs). The pair - a transmitter and a receiver PIC – implement a ten-channel 100 Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) link using polarisation multiplexing quadrature phase-shift keying (PM-QPSK). The Infinera development work was describe in papers given at the OFC/NFOEC event held in Los Angeles.

Infinera recently demonstrated its 5x100Gbps PIC carrying traffic within Interoute Communications’ network. The 5x100Gbps PIC-based system will be available commercially in 2012.


“We think we can drive the system from where it is today – 8 Terabits-per-fibre - to around 25 Terabits-per-fibre”

Dave Welch, Infinera 

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Jagdeep Singh's Infinera effect 

Jagdeep Singh, who has led Infinera from a start-up of three to a 1000-staff public company, is stepping down in January.

Talking to gazettabyte, he reflects on the ups and downs of being a CEO, his love of running, 40 Gigabit transmission and why he is looking forward to his next role at Infinera.


"We are looking to lead the 40 Gig market, not be first to market.”

Jagdeep Singh, Infinera CEO

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